3-day tour in Huai Kha Khaeng wildlife sanctuary
By: Tontan Travel Wildlife Tours
Tour description in short

Our 3-day tour in Huai Kha Khaeng is all about wildlife watching. We will spend quite a lot of time in a wildlife observation tower. But other activities on our trip include game drives and also some hiking.
We stay in a basic resort outside the reserve, and might do some night driving to spot nocturnal wildlife in the forested areas outside the park boundaries.
Why our 3-day tour?
If waiting several hours in a wildlife observation tower is not your thing, this might not be the best tour destination for you. But if you are into that, our 3-day wildlife tour in Huai Kha Khaeng will be a great experience.
Even if sightings are almost unheard of, just being in the habitat of the Indochinese Tiger, is extremely thrilling. Often, we encounter pugmarks, scratches, and scrapes; that alone is worth the trip.
This tour is especially interesting for wildlife enthusiasts who have already been on our wildlife trips in the other parks. There are various species here, that are not easily seen elsewhere. You will love it!
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Tour package summary
- Wildlife watching
- Safari drive(s)
- Jungle walk(s)
- Wildlife observation tower(s)
- Night drive(s)
Tour details
- 3-day tour
- Private tour
- 6000 - 21600 Baht (per person)
- Difficulty level: Easy to moderate
What's included?
- Entrance fees
- English speaking guide
- Transport during tour
- All meals
- Drinking water

Tour itinerary
Here follows the example itinerary of our 3-day wildlife tour in Huai Kha Khaeng wildlife sanctuary.
Note: Depending on local conditions, or simply instinct ;), we might turn the itinerary upside down, but overall it will usually be roughly the same as follows.
Day 1 (06:30 to ±19:00)
As soon as the park opens, we will start the tour with a slow safari drive into the park in search for wildlife. After a short walk, we reach a wildlife watching tower where we quietly watch a large forest clearing along the banks of the main river.
After spending the morning at the tower, we will do a drive to a restaurant for lunch while enjoying the local birdlife. After lunch, we will head back to the observation tower waiting for wildlife to show up, and we will finish the day with a late afternoon drive back to the resort outside the park (unfortunately staying overnight inside the park is no longer possible without special permission.). We might do a bit of a night drive through the patches of forest outside the park boundaries.

Note: To start early it is recommended to spend the night prior the tour in the accommodation near the park.
Day 2 (06:30 to ±19:00)
This morning, we will start again with a slow game drive into the park, but next set out for a hike in the jungle. We will keep our eyes out for tiger and leopard tracks.

The forest changes a bit along the trail, and this increases the chance to see some primates, though they tend to be very shy in this area. In the past, we have been lucky to see Indochinese Grey Langurs, Long-tailed and Northern Pig-tailed Macaques, and sometimes White-handed Gibbons (but your chances for gibbons are much higher in Khao Yai NP or Kaeng Krachan NP).
After lunch, we will spend the late afternoon again in an observation tower.

Day 3 (06:30 to ±13:00)
The last day, we will start with an early game drive and a visit to one of the towers for another stakeout. The tour ends at 13:00PM. We will lunch together, and then around 14:00PM you can meet your taxi or drive yourself to your next destination.

Extra information about the wildlife sanctuary

The area where we operate our tours in Huai Kha Khaeng lies 320km from Bangkok, near Uthai Thani in the west of Thailand.
This region can be tricky to reach by public transport, as it is not touristy at all. You are best off traveling with a private taxi service. We are able to arrange transfers from Bangkok or elsewhere.
The wildlife sanctuary is open year round. And our tours can take off every day of the year. But depending on guide availability. It is recommended to book in advance!
For information on the best time of the year to visit the reserve, and for more of our tours in Huai Kha Khaeng, click here.

How much?
These are the rates (per person) for our 3-day wildlife tour package in Huai Kha Khaeng based on your group size. Followed by a list of what is included. The rates include accommodation. But beware, that this is very basic lodging, there is simply no other options near the park.
Group size: | Rate per person: |
1 Person | 21600 Baht |
2 People | 11400 Baht |
3 People | 9600 Baht |
4 People | 8100 Baht |
5 People | 7200 Baht |
6 People | 6750 Baht |
7 People | 6300 Baht |
8 People | 6000 Baht |
What's included?
- Entrance fees
- English speaking guide
- Transport during tour
- All meals
- Drinking water
Other tours in Huai Kha Khaeng wildlife sanctuary
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Reviews of the 3-day wildlife tour in Huai Kha Khaeng
Our guests have rated us 5 out of 5 stars (2 reviews)!
Name: Tanja Steinmeijer, Nederland
Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Huai Kha Khaeng
Tour date: 10 Aug 2015
Gisteren zijn we met ons gezin (2 jongens van 16 en 18) terug gekomen van de 3 daagse tour in Huai Kha Kheang begeleid door Ton en Tan samen.
Nadat we 2 jaar geleden al zeer goede ervaringen met hun bedrijf hadden in Khao Yai, waren we blij en verrast dat ze nu tours aanbieden in meerdere parken. We wilden graag naar een meer onontgonnen gebied dan het Khao Yai national park, en hebben na overleg met Ton voor deze tour gekozen.
Het was back to basic, zoals ons van tevoren ook verteld was, en we waren de enige tour in het park en op de camping stonden we geheel alleen. De jungle vonden we minder indrukwekkend dan in Khao Yai, maar dat werd ruimschoots gecompenseerd door de enorme hoeveelheid wild die er zit.
We hebben zoveel gezien, teveel om op te noemen. Spannendste ervaringen waren de olifant die ons pad kruiste tijdens een trekking, dat we sporen vonden van een tijger nog geen 600 meter van onze tent, en de gigantische hoeveelheid schorpioenen die oplichten onder de blacklight zaklamp van Ton. We werden door Ton en Tan in de avond begeleid naar de douches, waarbij Ton voorop liep schijnend met zijn speciale lamp. De eerste avond was dit net na een regenbui, en het hele pad was werkelijk bezaaid met schorpioenen van verschillend formaat en familie. Door het licht worden ze allemaal fluoriserend, wat een spectaculair gezicht was, en waarom we ook begrepen dat we onder begeleiding naar de douches moesten.
Kortom het waren onvergetelijke dagen.
Nogmaals bedankt Ton en Tan, jullie zijn een geweldig koppel.Tontan Travel wrote:
Beste Tanja, Bertus, Nick & Bas,
Leuk om zo snel een reactie te ontvangen na ons avontuur met jullie in Huai Kha Khaeng. Ook goed te horen dat het goed bevallen is.
De jungle in Huai Kha Khaeng kan qua schoonheid inderdaad niet aan Khao Yai tippen. Het is een ander type bos, veelal droog, bladverliezende bos, maar de dieren hebben het er goed.
We hebben inderdaad veel gezien zoals Gouden Jakhals, Banteng kuddes, vele herten, wilde zwijnen, de olifant die minder blij was ons te zien dan wij hem, Langstaartmakaken, Phayre's Langoeren, Palm Civetten, en inderdaad niet te vergeten de luipaardsporen, en de verse, enorme tijger voetafdrukken op zo'n korte afstand van onze tenten. De katachtigen zijn dan misschien haast onmogelijk om te zien, maar simpelweg op de plek staan waar misschien slechts uren geleden een enorme tijger heeft gelopen is een bijzonder gevoel op zichzelf, ook voor ons!
Hopelijk hebben jullie nog veel plezier op de rest van de vakantie, en misschien zien we elkaar nog wel een keer, mocht je ooit nog eens naar Thailand komen en bijvoorbeeld Kaeng Krachan of Kui Buri national park wilt bezoeken.
Bedankt voor jullie gastenboek bijdrage!
Groetjes, Ton & Tan -
Name: Pieter Espeel, Belgium
Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Huai Kha Khaeng
Tour date: 16 Jul 2014
Last summer (July 2014) I visited Thailand for the first time and as a profound nature lover and passionate wildlife photographer, I booked a full-week trip with Ton & Tan.
We visited both Khao Yai national park and Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary. They hosted and guided me as I was one of their 'team', being very kind and helpful, and most importantly, availed some truly unique wildlife experiences. Getting too close to a sun bathing King Cobra, watching a herd of Banteng for 2 hours from a watch tower, a night drive during a Monsoon down poor, wandering out in the jungle in pitch dark to install for a big cat observation attempt, ...
I posted some pictures on my website (http://pieterespeel.com/thailand/).
Next time when I am in Thailand, I know what I will do (again).×Tontan Travel wrote:
Thanks Pieter for your beautiful contribution to our guestbook. We were lucky to see quite a lot of amazing animals, indeed King Cobra, Dholes, Banteng, Elephants, Pit Vipers, and much more. The images you made as a result are absolutely stunning!
Hopefully you come back to Thailand one day. Maybe next time try Kaeng Krachan national park ;).
Good luck with your photography carreer!
Tan & Ton