Gibbon in Kaeng Krachan national park

3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan national park

Tour description in short

Location of Kaeng Krachan national park on the map of Thailand

On our 3-day tour in Kaeng Krachan national park you spend three full days exploring the park both by car and on foot. The primary focus will be to observe wildlife.

Why our 3-day tour?

Kaeng Krachan can be quite challenging when it comes to wildlife watching. Time is the key to success. A 3-day tour will increase your chances to get a glimpse of the large biodiversity that occurs in this park.

The park is not far from Bangkok, and even closer to the popular tourist destination, Hua Hin. Thailand's largest national park definitely deserves a visit!

Click the following button to contact us, or continue reading, below.

Tour package summary


  • Wildlife watching
  • Safari drive(s)
  • Jungle walk(s)
  • Viewpoint(s)

Tour details

  • 3-day tour
  • Private tour
  • 6000 - 21600 Baht (per person)
  • Difficulty level: Easy to moderate

What's included?

  • Entrance fees
  • English speaking guide
  • Transport during tour
  • Lunch
  • Drinking water
  • Leech protection socks
Robinson's Banded Langur eating leaves. Chances to see this shy species increase at the higher elevations.
Robinson's Banded Langur eating leaves. Chances to see this shy species increase at the higher elevations.
A mating pair of Yellow-throated Martens seen on a lucky trip in Kaeng Krachan.
A mating pair of Yellow-throated Martens seen on a lucky trip in Kaeng Krachan.

Tour itinerary

Here follows the itinerary of our 3-day tour in Kaeng Krachan national park.
Note: Often enough, our itineraries get turned upside down. It is impossible to plan in nature; the wildlife does not follow timetables, therefore the following itinerary is just a rough example.

Day 1 (06:00 to ±18:00 - 19:00)

We will start the tour with a slow drive into the park in search for wildlife. And afterwards, we go out for our first jungle walk of the tour.

After lunch at the park restaurant, we continue with some more birding and wildlife watching on foot on the dirt road along a stream.

Red-bearded Bee-eater in Kaeng Krachan
One of the larger bee-eater species of Thailand is the Red-bearded Bee-eater. Found mostly along the Thai peninsula.

The late afternoon, we do a safari drive at the lower elevations. Hoping for the larger mammals to show up. You will be returned to your hotel outside the park in the early evening

Day 2 (06:00 to ±18:00 - 19:00)
In the moist evergreen forest of Kaeng Krachan occurs the Fea's Muntjac.
In the moist evergreen forest of Kaeng Krachan occurs the Fea's Muntjac. Not a commonly seen species, but some of our tour guests have been lucky.
A little, young Dusky Langur exploring on its own.
A young Dusky Langur exploring on its own.

Today we start early, to do a long, bumpy, but scenic safari drive deeper into the park. Besides looking for the birds and other animals that tend to prefer the higher elevations, you will also get the chance to enjoy the stunning view over the vast forests, sometimes covered under a blanket of mist.

Even though there are no forest trails here, we will walk the road and look for wildlife. You will have a chance to see the uncommon Robinson's Banded langurs, White-handed Gibbons, Dusky Langurs, and more. And the area has some interesting birdlife too.

After a Thai lunch at the park restaurant, we continue to further explore the beautiful forest in search for wildlife. And finally finish the day with a safari drive in search for more wildlife before you will be dropped at your hotel in the early evening.

Great Hornbill in a fruiting fig tree
Fruiting fig trees are a great place to see birds like the magnificent Great Hornbill.
Day 3 (06:00 to ±18:00 - 19:00)

On the last day, we spend the morning looking for wildlife and birdlife by car and make stops at various spots along the road near ponds and forest clearings or other interesting habitat.

We visit the park restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon we walk a trail to a cave. And the last hours of the trip are spend on a game drive at the lower elevations of the park to try one last time to spot interesting wildlife before you will be returned to your hotel outside the park.

Extra information about the national park

The jungle is a massive playground for young and old.
The Kaeng Krachan jungle is a massive playground for young and old.

Kaeng Krachan national park lies at about 3 hours drive southwest of Bangkok. The area can be tricky to reach by public transport. You are best off traveling with a private taxi service. We can organize transfers from Bangkok, Hua Hin, and elsewhere.

Our tours start from Kaeng Krachan town.

The park is open year-round and our tours can take off every day of the year, as long as our guide is available. Booking in advance is recommended!

For information on the best time of the year to visit the park, and for more of our tours in Kaeng Krachan, click here.

Oriental Vine Snake in Kaeng Krachan
The Oriental Vine Snake, Ahaetulla prasina is one of the most commonly seen snakes in Kaeng Krachan. But that doesn't make them any less cool. Look at those pupils!

How much does a tour cost?

These are the rates (per person) for our 3-day wildlife tour package based on your group size. Followed by a list of what is included. And feel free to check out our other packages in Kaeng Krachan, below.

Group size: Rate per person:
1 Person 21600 Baht
2 People 11400 Baht
3 People 9600 Baht
4 People 8100 Baht
5 People 7200 Baht
6 People 6750 Baht
7 People 6300 Baht
8 People 6000 Baht
Age: Reduction:
4 to 12 years -600 Baht
0 to 3 years free

What's included?

  • Entrance fees
  • English speaking guide
  • Transport during tour
  • Lunch
  • Drinking water
  • Leech protection socks

Other tours in Kaeng Krachan national park

We'd love to hear from you

For any enquiries or quotation requests, please, use this contact form.

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Reviews of the 3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

Our guests have rated us 5 out of 5 stars (6 reviews)!

  • 6.

    Name: , United States

    Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

    Tour date: 28 Mar 2024


    Great experience. Mong (guide) and Son (driver) were fantastic. We saw so much and I really could have done a week with these guys easily. Gibbons, macaques, lemurs, elephant, and so much more. I learned a lot. Look forward to next time.

  • 5.

    Name: , Nederland

    Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

    Tour date: 15 May 2017


    Hi Ton and Tan:
    I want to thank you for the wonderful week we had together in Kaeng Krachan and Kui Buri NP's. Ton (and Tan off-course), your skills as a wildlife guide are beyond every expectations!
    Eyes like an Eagle!!!

    We had a lot of highlight during our Tour (beautiful pit-vipers, Vine Snakes and many kinds of Lizards, Honey Bear, Porcupines and many Elephants, Gaur and other Animals, but most of all the incredible encounter with a huge Cobra!!!

    We, Richard and I, had a wonderfull time with you both.

    Everyone who wants to see Wildlife with top guides, must book Tontan Travel. The best!!

    Tan (and Ton), wish you a great next 4 Months and a lot of succes with your new house.
    Next time we visit Thailand again, we see you again

    Tontan Travel wrote:

    It was our pleasure to see you guys again after your trip 2 years ago. You planned this trip a long time ahead. Just on time, because not long after your booking confirmation, we made the decision to not commit to any new trips so we could start with the construction of our home.

    In the end we were very glad this trip came exactly at the right time, right after the stressful period we had with the first contractor messing up the construction of our home etc. The jungle time with you guys was very pleasant for us as well, because you were so easy to travel with. Not demanding (apart from forcing us to find those pit vipers, hahaha; which we did ;-) ) and we enjoyed your humor, and the excitement to see the beautiful creatures that we got to see. It was like traveling with friends. And yes of course sharing that precious moment with the Monocled Cobra will stay with us for a long time as well ;-)

    We hope to see you again some day in the future!

  • 4.

    Name: , Nederland

    Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

    Tour date: 29 Jul 2015


    Lieve Ton en Tan,
    Ik vond het echt heel leuk bij Jullie.
    Het was echt het hoogtepunt van de vakantie.
    We hebben zo veel mooie dieren gezien, bijvoorbeeld de gibbons die elkaar aan het vlooien waren, en de bamboeadder. Van een giftige slang heb ik een hele mooie foto kunnen maken.
    Ook hebben we neushoornvogels gezien. die waren prachtig.
    En dan nog de schorpioenen die we in de avond gingen zoeken die waren echt heel mooi.
    Het is heel leuk voor kinderen omdat je heel veel ziet en word bezig gehouden, onder andere door de gidsen die overal voor stoppen en overal wat van af weten.

    Renee 11 jaar

    de giftige slang
    het vel  van een schorpioen

    Tontan Travel wrote:

    Beste Renee,

    Erg leuk om van jou te horen!
    Voor ons was het ook erg leuk om zo'n enthousiaste jungle avonturier met ons mee te hebben.

    We zijn blij te horen dat je het leuk hebt gevonden, en hopelijk zien we je nog een keer terug.

    PS. Tan was zo jaloers op je stoere schoenen dat we stad en land hebben afgezocht om ze te vinden, en dat is uiteindelijk gelukt ;)

    Groetjes uit de jungle!

  • 3.

    Name: , Nederland

    Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

    Tour date: 29 Jul 2015


    Beste Ton and Tan,

    Ook via jullie gastenboek willen we jullie nog een keer heel erg bedanken voor de geweldige tijd die we met jullie hebben doorgebracht in Kaeng Krachan. Het was, zoals dochter Renee al schreef, zeker het hoogtepunt van een geweldige vakantie in Thailand.
    Wat was het bijzonder om mee te maken hoe jullie allebei geconcentreerd door de jungle trokken, gespitst op ieder geluid en elke beweging. Freek in het wild is er niets bij! Hierdoor hebben we ontzettend veel dieren gezien: dusky langurs in allerlei standen (bungelend op een tak, met baby op schoot, etend in een boom...), allerlei soorten slangen en hagedissen, stekelvarkens, een watervaraan, motten met geweldige snuiten, wandelende takken, enorme kikkers, 3 soorten neushoornvogels en als slagroom op de taart een familie gibbons, die elkaar heerlijk aan het vlooien waren.
    We vonden het fijn dat jullie voor ieder diertje, groot of klein, de tijd namen. Daarnaast hebben we genoten van jullie verhalen en goed gezelschap, we voelden ons gelijk erg op ons gemak bij jullie. Door de jungle lopen was een unieke ervaring.
    Een ontdekking voor ons was het kamperen, we wisten niet dat er in Thailand zo'n levendige kampeercultuur was. En hoe bijzonder is het om wakker te worden bij een boom vol neushoornvogels of voor je tent te zitten met uitzicht op een familie dusky langurs!

    We wensen jullie alle goeds en tot een volgende keer (want die komt er zeker!)
    Peter, Anja en Renee

    Tontan Travel wrote:

    Beste Renee, Peter & Anja,

    Bedankt voor de mooie bijdrage aan het gastenboek. Wij hebben ook genoten van die drie dagen die we met jullie doorgebracht hebben.

    En het maakt ons extra blij om te horen dat we ook vooral de jongere jungle avonturier onder jullie een leuke tijd hebben bezorgd; de jeugd heeft de toekomst en als de kinderen ervan genieten zal dat hopelijk in de toekomst hen helpen bij het maken van de juiste keuzes als het gaat om natuurbehoud en alles wat daar aan verbonden is.

    Wij kijken al uit naar jullie komst, hopelijk zien we jullie nog eens terug ;)

    Ton & Tan

  • 2.

    Name: , Nederland

    Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

    Tour date: 06 Mar 2015


    Hi Tony and Tan,

    We had a great time in Kaeng Krachan. I'm glad we did this as a tour as it would have been very hard to do this on our own.
    We had a very pleasant time with the two of you, it is nice to see that you are still so enthusiastic about the park and the animals. We would have also missed quite a few animals if you wouldn't have pointed them out (including a leopard!). I also loved to get to know more about the wildlife and the jungle from you, that made it a more complete experience.

    I never knew you could see so much wildlife in the Thai jungle. Thailand is a much better destination for ecotourism than it is given credit for.
    I’ll let you know when we plan our next trip to Thailand. We still have to go to Khao Yai and Huai Kha Khaeng.

    Roy and Maartje

    Tontan Travel wrote:

    Thanks Roy & Maartje for your kind comments.

    It was fun to explore the jungle with you, and also to learn from your knowledge and experiences in the various countries as biologists. And that together with sharing the fabulous sighting of the Leopard made it a trip we will never forget.

    Thanks for joining us, and we sure hope you come back someday to check out the other great wildlife reserves in Thailand ;) .


  • 1.

    Name: , Belgium

    Tour: 3-day wildlife tour in Kaeng Krachan

    Tour date: 03 Feb 2015


    In the search of a wellorganised organisation with guide that would show us Kaeng Krachan national park in the beginning of february 2015, I stumbled upon several websites. Of all the e-mails I sent, only Ton and Tan replied. Afterwards I can honestly say that I am very happy that only they replied, because they showed us the park in ways I would have never dreamed of.

    We were a group of four wanting to see fauna and flora, animals in their natural habitat, jungles in their original state...

    the 3 day tour was very informative and unforgettable. We saw langurs (black and grey), gibbons, porcupines, vinesnakes, a giant king cobra, many kinds of hornbill birds, spiders... the camping was basic, but just what we needed! and we did have a lot of fun on the campsite and in the jungle.

    Breakfast, lunch and dinner was all arranged for and everytime it was very good!

    Ton and Tan gave us the feeling of being trustworthy, and afterwards we can definately say they were.
    Apparently they don't only show Kaeng Krachan, but also other national parks in Thailand, so next time I will be contacting them again!

    Ton & Tan, thanks for everything, this was absolutely amazing for us!
    En volgende keer brengen we wat kaas uit Nederland mee :-)

    nature at its best
    Dusky Langur

    Tontan Travel wrote:

    Dear Stijn,

    Thanks for this nice addition to our guestbook!
    It was good fun exploring the park with you. We felt like we were part of your family ;)

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your jungle adventure with us. And hope we indeed meet you again, and not only for the promised Dutch cheese ;)

    Greetings to y'all!
    Tan & Ton

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